"Pussycat, pussycat where have you been?
I’ve been to London to visit the queen.
Pussycat, pussycat What did you there?
I frightened a little mouse under her chair.”
Olde English Nursery Rhyme
I’m sorry … you WHAT!?!
What a trifling thing to do when visiting the QUEEN!
OK, so you’re a “Pussycat” … and that’s what “Pussycats” do – they chase mice!
But what if you’re a “People”?
Unfortunately, the same outcome might well apply if only your “Pussycat” brain is engaged!
NOTE: The ANIMAL KINGDOM “Pussycat” BRAIN CORE (AKBC) is a compellingly hard-wired control center for survival and self-indulgence, and humans happen to be just as well endowed with the entire AKBC complex as Pussycats.
So, we’re just as easily distracted by “trifling” things. [OK, so mice are cat food and food isn’t so “trifling”. But think about chasing a ball of yarn … equivalent to social media. Or chasing a laser pointer … equivalent to video games.] Oh, yeah, we do that!

And how about just “letting it all hang out” doing absolutely nothing when “fat and happy” on somebody ELSE’S dime/dollar and screened in porch?
Perhaps more to the point … given any OTHER circumstances, what MIGHT one – perhaps a step up from a cat – consider even MORE worth doing when visiting the QUEEN?
How about having tea and crumpets while discussing world affairs … inquiring about activities of the princes and princesses … asking about ceremonial Royal duties … what she does for entertainment … what are the aspirations for her country … what is she reading / who is her favorite author … what would she like to be or do if she weren’t Queen … what advice could she give to an aspiring artist / scientist / social support person / IT person / engineer … what advances would she like to see in civilization during her reign … who are her heroes / Role Models … what does she consider her greatest challenge … ???
Being a “Pussycat” has advantages … as long as somebody ELSE is footing the bill – particularly a QUEEN – and all you HAVE to do is lay around the premises and chase mice … or entertain yourself chasing laser pointers … or playing with a ball of yarn … or doing social media … or playing video games …
But living with ONLY your “Pussycat” AKBC turned to “Autopilot” totally controlling the Executive Suite ONLY works if you’ve been adopted to live in someone ELSE’S castle!