Human development, and workforce development, in particular, suffers from a paucity of understanding and appreciation for what is really required to succeed in life. Consequently, too many high school students are not college-ready or job-ready, too many college students are not career-ready, and too many, overall, are not LIFE-READY.
The bottom line is that business, industry and organizations across the board can’t find enough qualified, highly skilled and dedicated workers to maintain critical momentum and services.
Surprisingly, the formula for success is not all that “magical” or difficult to understand, although it’s difficult for the presumptively “entitled” to accept. Here it is:
“Everything you DESERVE is going to take EVERYTHING YOU’VE GOT!
How far short of EVERYTHING YOU DESERVE are you going to settle?”
“Do what you’re supposed to do
and life will turn out the way it’s supposed to be.”
Inscription on an Old Farmhouse Calendar
“You don’t have to do MORE than you CAN do,
but you have to do THAT MUCH!”
Garrison Keillor
“You don’t have to do it ALL BY YOURSELF!”
ERTIA UNLIMITED is in the business of connecting the dots from where we are to where we can and should be going to realize our full potential.
Wasted lives and lost human potential are things we can well do without!