Originated in Bruin, PA, north of Pittsburgh. Lew received a Ph.D. in Biochemistry from the University of Pittsburgh. He was appointed Assistant Professor of Biochemistry at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center in Worcester, MA then as Associate Director for Science with the National Bladder Cancer Project before moving to Kentucky to help establish the Markey Cancer Center in 1983.
He served as Associate Director for Administration until retiring in June, 2011. He has expertise in scientific research, writing/editing, grants, and comprehensive organization administration.
What is your Battle Cry … your “Call to the Post” … your absolute imperative … your “Call to Action” … when important stuff needs to get done? What gets you off the dime and into serviceable action? What turns your “motor” on? What “Battle Cry” gets your heart pounding, your circulation going, and your…
“ … he took to business as if it were war.” Cornelius Vanderbilt: Bare-Knuckled Capitalism The Economist (London, UK) Apr 16, 2009 In the unperturbed moment, it’s easy to lose focus … to take your eyes off the goal … to let things slide … to become caught up in trivia and machinations … to…
Many metabolic, physiologic and endocrine abnormalities are “silent”; i.e., they show no warning signs before (“pre-“) one’s life or wellbeing are tangibly threatened (“clinical”). Great numbers of such “pre-clinical” conditions can be identified in formative stages via simple tests, including heart rate, blood pressure, and a standard “blood panel”. For this reason, physicians uniformly recommend…
It used to drive me nuts when our three sons would insist on doing their homework with MTV or other cacophony blaring in the background. But they kept bringing home top grades in advanced courses, so there wasn’t much I could really say, except “Great Work” when the report cards came in. For many years,…
“[The] random walk is a mathematical [representation] of a path that consists of a succession of random steps. For example, the path traced by a molecule as it travels in a liquid or a gas, the search path of a foraginganimal, the price of a fluctuating stock and the financial status of a gamblercan all…