These “Woodshed Moments” are equivalent to grabbing ner-do-wells by the scruff of the neck to get their attention and saying “Straighten up and fly right or else — and here’s why”!
One of the biggest challenges for teenagers and young adults (which is not recognized as a challenge “in the trenches”, of course) is how to productively utilize UNSCHEDULED TIME. Point of Reference The foundational premise here that there is no such thing as “FREE TIME”. What kind of time are we talking about? If you…
The tough part about life is the ABSOLUTES: Two plus two is four, and no more! Half of two twice is half of four once. And how about this … “Everything you deserve is going to take everything you’ve got!” For starters, our genes are our genes. That’s it! We’re absolutely and unequivocally stuck with…
[Thanks to Bill Moore for planting this seed in his weekly sermon!] In 1958, Lloyd’s Bank of London undertook a study to find out what happens to a typical batch of paper clips as they are released throughout the workforce. Out of their original batch of 100,000 paper clips, they found that: 3,916 were used…
“ … findings … published in the International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion [by Anthony Fabio, Assistant Professor of Epidemiology, University of Pittsburgh] indicate that among people predisposed to hostility, watching more TV than their peers poses a greater risk for injuries requiring hospitalization – potentially because they are more susceptible to television’s…
In describing the ERTIA UNLIMITED “Lifecourse Diagram”, one of the major points to be made is how important it is to make ourselves “helpable” … i.e., by showing some degree of initiative … by being a “Player” , with an inclination to advance and with some reasonable prospects and positive possibilities of making life happen. …