These “Woodshed Moments” are equivalent to grabbing ner-do-wells by the scruff of the neck to get their attention and saying “Straighten up and fly right or else — and here’s why”!
Many metabolic, physiologic and endocrine abnormalities are “silent”; i.e., they show no warning signs before (“pre-“) one’s life or wellbeing are tangibly threatened (“clinical”). Great numbers of such “pre-clinical” conditions can be identified in formative stages via simple tests, including heart rate, blood pressure, and a standard “blood panel”. For this reason, physicians uniformly recommend…
It used to drive me nuts when our three sons would insist on doing their homework with MTV or other cacophony blaring in the background. But they kept bringing home top grades in advanced courses, so there wasn’t much I could really say, except “Great Work” when the report cards came in. For many years,…
“[The] random walk is a mathematical [representation] of a path that consists of a succession of random steps. For example, the path traced by a molecule as it travels in a liquid or a gas, the search path of a foraginganimal, the price of a fluctuating stock and the financial status of a gamblercan all…
The person in charge of things I’m not in charge of [which represents an entire alternative universe] dragged me to the local fitness center during the holidays to sign me up for an almost limitless list of physical fitness options – never mind the fact that I have both an exercycle and a NordicTrack e9,…
Despite escalating provocation, I really didn’t want to move the house numbers higher on the house to accommodate a bush that was growing higher than it needed to be. Really! However … when ignoring the provocation was no longer a viable option, and when the wheels had to start turning, some indication of commitment was…