These “Woodshed Moments” are equivalent to grabbing ner-do-wells by the scruff of the neck to get their attention and saying “Straighten up and fly right or else — and here’s why”!
“Our society has resigned itself to suffering.” Jamie Studts, Behavioral Scientist [Describing the fatalistic acceptance of a cancer diagnosis as a death sentence] ************** I’ve had a growing suspicion that, as with a cancer diagnosis, much of our outlook on life and living and career and citizenship – and all the rest – is colored…
Success in basketball depends on how many “touches” you get. You can’t shoot the ball or get points or get assists if you can’t get any “touches”. If you’re a dependable ball handler or shooter, you’ll get lots of “touches”. Your coach and team mates will seek you out. However, “touches” don’t come easy. You…
Ever since Adam and Eve – and perhaps even eons before Adam and Eve – life has been a struggle for most folks much of the time … getting enough food to eat, protecting against life-threatening incursions, dealing with in-laws and outlaws, competing against folks who have nothing better to do than outsmart, undermine and…
“I can’t function without my second cup of coffee; but, once I’ve had that second cup, look out world – I can do ANYTHING!” Herbie Halfmaster What gets you going and keeps you going through THICK and through THIN? What pushes you “over the top” to be able to tackle anything that comes your way…
Over the course of days, weeks, months and years, snipets of inspiration have slipped through the fog that seemed to warrant representation at least as footnotes. Here are a few footnote snipets from 2010 … which seemed to be a particularly “footnotable” year (the year before I retired): CATCHING A DREAM Problems in maximizing…