These “Woodshed Moments” are equivalent to grabbing ner-do-wells by the scruff of the neck to get their attention and saying “Straighten up and fly right or else — and here’s why”!
In our barbershop chorus, The Kentuckians, our Director keeps challenging us to keep our pitch up and stay on key by imagining the addition of “onion skin” layers of higher frequency sound, particularly when holding notes of long duration. Without acute consciousness of this kind, the pitch will invariably drop in unaccompanied vocalization – no…
“Every new DIY project justifies the acquisition of a new tool!” Herbie Halfmaster [After all, the savings on labor and on avoiding subsidization of someone ELSE’S tools more than makes up for the cost of whatever you need to do the job yourself … … at least up until one has to be bailed out…
Our navigability in the world is heavily dependent on our real or perceived “legitimacy” … le·git·i·ma·cy conformity to the law or to rules. ability to be defended with logic or justification; validity. Legitimacy is strongly associated with AGENCY: “In social science, agency is the capacity of individuals to act independently and to make their own free… In the study noted in the article above, investigators confirmed the postulation that first-children generally excel beyond the levels achieved by their younger siblings, and they asked “Why?” A genetic basis for the difference (i.e., where some advantage would be conferred on first-borns by “Nature” … like the first-born gets the best genes) was…
We occasionally need to take inventory of what we “bring to the table” to advance our personal stake and holdings in the world … to advance the enterprise(s) in which we are engaged … to advance the profession or industry with which we are associated … to advance our community and the world at large.…