These “Woodshed Moments” are equivalent to grabbing ner-do-wells by the scruff of the neck to get their attention and saying “Straighten up and fly right or else — and here’s why”!
We adopted a kitty about 12 years ago that is now in marked decline … with issues of hyperthyroidism, high blood pressure, a detached retina, arthritis, hypokalemia and kidney problems. She is on six different medications, four of which are on an alternate delivery schedule twice a day. The hyperthyroidism, a “prime contributor” to the…
“Cache or caching [ ] refers to: … a food storing behavior of animals … a collection of artifacts [… a nest of duck’s eggs!] Computing Cache (computing), a collection of data duplicating original values stored elsewhere on a computer, usually for easier access Cache memory, a small area of fast memory used by the central…
Every construction project remains unfinished until the completion of a final sign-off “Punch List”: a list of final “finishing” details, as well as a list of mistakes and imperfections (things which fail to conform to the architect’s original specifications) that must be corrected. (Importantly, nobody gets paid until the Punch List is completed!) Historically (before…
We need to talk. Seriously. In case you were looking for / hoping for / counting on your “ship” to come in or your Prince or Princess to ride by on a white horse or the “Dream Job Offer” to come to your door, I feel compelled to break the sobering news that an idyllic…
I was impressed to hear that Alabama’s basketball coach, Avery Johnson, has developed a “C-Plan” for his basketball team: “Compete on the Court Compete in the Classroom” This was a terrific concept, emblematic of a highly enlightened coach! However, I thought we might flesh it out a little for a really COMPREHENSIVE C-Plan. So I’m…