Life is TOUGH!
But it’s so much more straight forward and manageable when all you have to do is FILL IN THE BLANKS … providing, of course, you have the proper “goods” available to do the filling-in.
I was chasing a “change of insurance” form across my desk for several days – because it wasn’t yet overdue – but it was a continuing annoyance to have to work around. So I just decided to pull the cord and fill it in. How tough could THAT be? It wasn’t! I did it. And life moved on with one less hassle.
The “Blanks” of highest denomination do not always automatically materialize and make themselves a nuisance moving across our radar waiting to be “Filled In”. Most generally, we have to CREATE the blanks we most want/need to have filled in, and then go get the “filler” and then do the “filling-in”.
OBLIGATORIES do make themselves known. But they don’t necessarily come with ready-made “blanks”. The “blanks” they have to fill come from our allotted time blocks, appearing and disappearing 24 hours at a time. So, we have to cannibalize “blanks” from our personal compendium of time blocks to serve this purpose.
NOTE: There is no such thing as “Free Time”. There is only “Unscheduled Time” – whenever and wherever you can find it, MAKE it or STEAL it. Most folks don’t really understand or appreciate the fact that one can effectively STEAL time from less compelling, more trivial or more leisurely pursuits to get something of solid value done.
So here’s the formulation:
- Make a LIST :: Need to do / Have to do / Want to do / Darn well BETTER do!
- Get “capacitized” for the DOING that needs DOING
- Find / Create / Steal a time slot in which to create an appropriate BLANK to be filled in
- Fill it in :: Contract out whatever element(s) require higher order capacity
NOTE: Every major project I do generally requires a new tool! - The next blank in the DONE ledger will automatically fill itself in!
Along with Zig Ziglar, I’ll look forward to
“Seeing you at the top!”
– Quartermaster