One of the most limiting factors in “becoming all that we can be” is failing to get TRACTION … failing to be able to GRASP and DIG IN on whatever we’re going to become and…
As noted in “Hostage”/21, we may be being HELD HOSTAGE by all sorts of things hidden in the background thwarting our efforts and holding us back … … but it also helps to understand that…
“Pussycat, pussycat where have you been? I’ve been to London to visit the queen. Pussycat, pussycat What did you there? I frightened a little mouse under her chair.” Olde English Nursery Rhyme I’m sorry ……
Confronted with so many untenably unresolvable circumstances, one has to ask: At what point is a life – or a whole cadre of lives – so lacking in value that it / they should no…
Sometimes technicalities get in the way of practicalities. Who cares about the biochemistry if you can cultivate a rose to bloom! We can infer a lot about the universe that we don’t totally understand, but we…
In the end analysis, life is all about CONSEQUENCES … things that actually happen as a result of other things that did or did not happen. Some consequences are predictable. Do good things / useful…
It’s just become clear to me that I don’t have to do everything everywhere all at once – nor do you! But ANYTHING generative, regenerative or “debulking” done here and now can help smooth the…
Ready or not, for better or worse, life keeps moving on! And moving on up to BETTER is much more enlifening than simply drifting with the flotsam and jetsam!! Unfortunately, the means of “getting us…
Life is TOUGH! But it’s so much more straight forward and manageable when all you have to do is FILL IN THE BLANKS … providing, of course, you have the proper “goods” available to do…
It’s already 78 degrees outside this morning at 7:45 am, with a forecast of 95. I’m feeling “trapped” in an air conditioned house … unable (or unwilling?) to anticipate engaging in a full list of…
A critical attribute of successful venturing is the ability to survive disappointment and recover from disaster – a property called RESILIENCE. But trying to extract a rejuvenating infusion from an empty reservoir is a…
Life-coach gurus talk about “Life Balance” … a very helpful reflective concept for different people at different points in their personal lives … especially for when they feel “out of sorts”, “at loose ends” or…
“Communitation” is the fine art of PARTICIPATORY COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT. It is the art of intentionally, actively and proactively participating in a thriving, collaborative COMMUNITY. Lee Shulman Bierer [ ], provides an excellent example of…
It’s more than a bit disarming/disconcerting when spurious things insert themselves into our personal agenda and impose themselves on our personal radar – things we didn’t “ask for”, that don’t really “fit” the persona we…
LIFE’S TOUGH! The CHALLENGES are FORMIDABLE The RESPONSIBILITIES are AWESOME The EXPECTATIONS are OUT OF SIGHT And TIME is always TOO SHORT for what we want and need to do Consequently, it’s increasingly clear that…
Plato had it about right and was well ahead of his time, trying to explain why we all fall so far short of our potential – and short of our ability to enjoy the full…
The best “insider” advice for success that most people have traditionally given aspiring emerging generations generally isn’t “Work Hard” and “Become Irreplaceable/Indispensible”. It is: “It’s who you know!” However, I’ve found, personally, it’s been a…
You’re 25 years old (maybe 30, maybe 40?), sailing through life in a fast-paced Gig-Economy, paying the rent and utilities, mostly eating out on the run, doing a fair amount of social media, streaming Netflix,…
The development and production of Self-Driving cars became all the rage at the beginning of the 21st Century. Tesla was early out of the gate, and “autonomous trucks” soon followed: The stakes are extremely…
I have been haunted by this intractable, plaintive cry of employers: “We can’t retain employees – some leaving after only a day on the job!” Landscaper After spending 3 hours a day on several very…
At this very moment, I am watching my water sprinkler soaking parts of my driveway, sidewalk and the front street, along with my parched lawn. However, I consider this wasteful practice a major STEP…
There’s LIGHT and there’s DARK. In the beginning, there was only DARK. DARK is the default and DARK is passive but it is MASSIVE. LIGHT requires an active source and has to be constantly generated…
I’ve been amazed and dumbfounded by the number of disparate sources that capsulize the essential elements for successful living in packets of SIX. This all started with my personal attempt to capsulize the elements essential…
I had just finished breakfast and my FIRST INCLINATION was to move to the screened-in porch to finish my coffee, the sports section of the newspaper and the comics. A person who’s retired has the…
Original artwork by Leah Palmer Preiss Odd Fellows Perhaps I was doomed to be an “Odd Fellow” from the start. My dad was a card-carrying member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. (Yes, it’s…
In 1996, Susan Jeffers, Ph.D., released a book entitled “End the Struggle and Dance with Life” (St. Martin’s Press) This book had some great advice for people completely overrun by life’s circumstances. Jeffers, personally, had…
All of us would become much more broadly, deeply and enthusiastically engaged in life if only we had more NOBLE enterprises to pursue. Mundane things like “chores” and “homework” and everyday maintenance flotsam and jetsam…
“The Head Winds / Tail Winds Asymmetry” Tom Gilovich and Shai Davidai J Pers Soc Psychol. 2016 Dec;111(6):835-851. “The idea should be familiar to anyone who cycles or runs for exercise. Sometimes you’re running…
In the throes of partisan politics, one often hears the comment made that this or that person or position is “on the wrong side of history.” Most frequently, such assertions come from “liberal” or “progressive”…
It occurred to me following the Thanksgiving engorgement last year that we spend a lot of our time and energy overindulging in things that make us “groggy”. In fact, it sometimes seems that numbing…
It’s a dismissive / derogatory term of disparagement: “Not worth a hill of beans!” “You don’t know beans!” … as if – everybody knows – beans are not worth very much, even piled in a…
We tend to migrate toward and embellish those behaviors that make us happy and bring us the most success … however we choose to define “success”. Success-driven behavior patterns start forming early, notwithstanding the fact…
Disclaimer This is NOT about Presidential politics! In a March 14, 2018 posting, John Rosemond – a provocative and not universally acclaimed “family psychologist” – highlighted a New York Times article by Alex Stone (Jan.…
It’s that time of year again! … time to get rid of all the encrustations and encroachments … time take stock of all the things we’ve hoarded whose purpose may have lost luster, and whose…
The wistful lament of the under-invested and overly-wrought is often: “Just wait ‘til my ship comes in!” However, we need to face up to the fact, here and now, that BIG SHIPS do not sail…
The book The Four Agreements by Miguel Ruiz contains the following advice: Be impeccable with your word. Don’t take anything personally. Don’t make assumptions. Always do your best. The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to…
Except for a relatively small number of misanthropes, humans are social beings who seek affirmation, authentication and legitimization from others. We like being “Special” … we love being loved. We also seek out BEAUTY in…
ar·tic·u·la·tion noun LANGUAGE the formation of clear and distinct sounds in speech. “the articulation of vowels and consonants” MUSIC clarity in the production of successive notes. “beautifully polished articulation…
Life is an evolving progression. There is no stasis … no parking lot … no statutorial sanctum … To embrace life, we have to embrace CHANGE. We change or die! And the world around us…
For this one, you may want to look up “Free Will” on the internet and pick a couple of TED talks for background. INTRODUCTION: A small but hard core mix of neuroscientists, philosophers…
“In analytic geometry, an asymptote (/ˈæsɪmptoʊt/) of a curve is a line such that the distance between the curve and the line approaches zero [but never actually GETS there] as they tend to infinity.” In practical terms, one can approach…
The annually updated book “What Color Is Your Parachute” by the late Richard Bolles has been a helpful life and career guide for multiple generations. The basic thrust of the book is one of personally…
The story of human development – both individually and en masse – is one of both glorious and inglorious progression … driven by a combination of internal and external compelling forces, ideally toward bigger, stronger,…
“I fight my demons every day, so I’ve got to continue to work at it.” Jared Lorenzen [en route to a goal of losing 100+ lbs.] “Demons” seem to permeate our lives. They show up…
A fundamental conundrum in 21st Century life is finding something of intrinsic, compelling ultimate value into which we can unreservedly pour our time, energy and “unbridled spirit” for the duration. Life is changing so fast,…
Looking in the mirror and having it talk back to you is an unnerving experience: “What have you got to say for yourself?” “ Are you of any salvageable earthly account or not?” “ And…
PREFACE: This is one of an increasing number of entries related to the challenge of living without a GOAL, MISSION, PURPOSE or PASSION in life – a privation with which I’m finding so many are…
In our barbershop chorus, The Kentuckians, our Director keeps challenging us to keep our pitch up and stay on key by imagining the addition of “onion skin” layers of higher frequency sound, particularly when holding…
“Every new DIY project justifies the acquisition of a new tool!” Herbie Halfmaster [After all, the savings on labor and on avoiding subsidization of someone ELSE’S tools more than makes up for the cost of…
Our navigability in the world is heavily dependent on our real or perceived “legitimacy” … le·git·i·ma·cy conformity to the law or to rules. ability to be defended with logic or justification; validity. Legitimacy is…
First of all, this is not about crystal ball gazing and clairvoyant phrenology! It’s about the “electrifying” energy that comes from the “Psyche” … variably referred to as the “pneuma, the anima, the inner being,…
Motivational speakers, personal coaches and self-help proponents all underscore the importance of having a VISION, a DREAM, a LIFE PURPOSE, a PASSION … an overarching GRAND GOAL as an essential driving force for a successful…
I’ve come to believe that piling up as many DOTS as possible is the essence of a productive, prosperous and fulfilling life. By “DOTS”, I mean any or all of the following: Knowledge, skills, experience,… In the study noted in the article above, investigators confirmed the postulation that first-children generally excel beyond the levels achieved by their younger siblings, and they asked “Why?” A genetic basis for the difference…
We occasionally need to take inventory of what we “bring to the table” to advance our personal stake and holdings in the world … to advance the enterprise(s) in which we are engaged … to…
We adopted a kitty about 12 years ago that is now in marked decline … with issues of hyperthyroidism, high blood pressure, a detached retina, arthritis, hypokalemia and kidney problems. She is on six different…
“Cache or caching [ ] refers to: … a food storing behavior of animals … a collection of artifacts [… a nest of duck’s eggs!] Computing Cache (computing), a collection of data duplicating original values stored…
Every construction project remains unfinished until the completion of a final sign-off “Punch List”: a list of final “finishing” details, as well as a list of mistakes and imperfections (things which fail to conform to…
We need to talk. Seriously. In case you were looking for / hoping for / counting on your “ship” to come in or your Prince or Princess to ride by on a white horse or…
“ … (have you ever been running, and decided you need to run a little faster … and then you WILLED it and it happened; have you ever tried to open a jar of pickles and decided…
Why do we have persisting “Achievement Gaps” both in public schools and on the job … why do so many business owners complain that they can’t get “decent help” … and why do so many…
I’ve struggled to articulate – in “digestible” terms – what I mean by “VISIONING” … i.e., being able to “picture” how the future might unfold – including discernment of hurdles and barriers to be overcome…
At this dawning of the 21st century, we don’t know everything we’d like to know or need to know about the Brain. But we know enough to set a more profitable course in life than…
Here’s a near-absolute Truth to consider: Everything you deserve is going to take everything you’ve got! This sobering observation compels one to ask four indelicate questions: If you are not giving life “everything you’ve got,…
At some point – and earlier is better – we have to “Get Real” about the unalterable “Cost of Living” … about all the stuff “below the water line” that “floats our boat”. Life’s Tough!…
[Reference: “Like You Mean It” Louisville Magazine 12.16, pp. 38-45] This article took up the challenge of charting a profitable and productive path for personal development in the year 2017. Outlined suggestions and admonitions follow.…
FLASH NEWS! Your success is guaranteed! In fact, you may already have WON! Wherever you spend the most time and energy is where you will realize the most success. You may become an EXPERT: Eating…
“Our society has resigned itself to suffering.” Jamie Studts, Behavioral Scientist [Describing the fatalistic acceptance of a cancer diagnosis as a death sentence] ************** I’ve had a growing suspicion that, as with a cancer diagnosis,…
Success in basketball depends on how many “touches” you get. You can’t shoot the ball or get points or get assists if you can’t get any “touches”. If you’re a dependable ball handler or shooter,…
“I can’t function without my second cup of coffee; but, once I’ve had that second cup, look out world – I can do ANYTHING!” Herbie Halfmaster What gets you going and keeps you going through…
Over the course of days, weeks, months and years, snipets of inspiration have slipped through the fog that seemed to warrant representation at least as footnotes. Here are a few footnote snipets from 2010 ……
Some things in life are guaranteed to work and some are guaranteed NOT to work. However, due to inexperience, ineptitude, “natural tendencies” and a whole host of other factors, we tend to gravitate toward things…
“Making it” in America – or almost anywhere in the universe – is both deceptively easy and deceptively hard. As I’ve sought to break the code on why some people “make it” but many don’t,…
[Reference: TIME Magazine, May 2/May 9, 2016 “100 Most Influential People of 2016”] This issue made me wonder: What makes winners “Winners”? It was a compelling challenge to compile a list of characteristics that best…
One of the toughest elements in dealing with life is coming to terms with the very real and ever present “Cost of Living” … more particularly, with the investment required to prepare adequately… never mind…
In a capitalistic system of civilization, competition is the currency of passage. You’ve gotta be BETTER than the competitors in your chosen field of endeavor! Unfortunately, some can’t compete, and many do not have a…
BELIEVE IN YOURSELF What does it take for you to believe in yourself? Something as simple as looking in the mirror? Or something more? How about accomplishments? There’s nothing like “proving yourself” to make believing…
Lamenting the “State of the Workforce in 2016”, I shared with our Business Owners’ Advisory Board (BOAB) my feedback from the state Workforce Development (WFD) Office, which indicated that the main problem in WFD is…
[Thanks to Bill Moore for planting this seed in his weekly sermon!] In 1958, Lloyd’s Bank of London undertook a study to find out what happens to a typical batch of paper clips as they…
“ … findings … published in the International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion [by Anthony Fabio, Assistant Professor of Epidemiology, University of Pittsburgh] indicate that among people predisposed to hostility, watching more TV…
In describing the ERTIA UNLIMITED “Lifecourse Diagram”, one of the major points to be made is how important it is to make ourselves “helpable” … i.e., by showing some degree of initiative … by being…
The wife was cleaning out the refrigerator shelves but couldn’t figure out how to remove a retaining rack, so she called Super-Hurango for help! [OK, it was probably a ploy to make retired SH feel…
It only recently became clear to me that the riddle I’ve been chasing for 40+ years is this: Why … … in a country with as much wealth as the United States of America —…
There’s no getting around it: LIFE’S TOUGH … perhaps excepting for a lucky few who have had the good fortune to benefit from the grit and grind of others – but, even then, it’s often…
We first encountered “Slingshot Accelerators” in the blog, Virtual Reality YOU. [] A “slingshot accelerator” is a paradoxical contrivance. In order for a slingshot to work, it has to be forcibly pulled back into a…
Motivational speakers frequently promote the idea of imagining one’s Dream Job or ideal circumstance as a means toward actually achieving it. A football coach, for example, may exhort his quarterback to envision himself throwing…
… again! It’s the perpetual siren call of politicians … or would-be politicians … especially during election years! But I caught myself wondering: Back to WHEN, exactly? … to when all the roads were…
This week’s question is: How are you doing … and compared to who(m) or what? Everything is relative, right? No less than Einstein, his own self, said so! However, what’s dangerous about benchmarking…
I reflexively wince when seeing or hearing reference to the Kentucky motto: “Unbridled Spirit”. Of course, there’s the superficial first inclination – at least in Kentucky – to conjure images of “unbridled” horses galloping idyllically…
“Anything not underway tends never to get there unless or until imposed upon by a force of sufficient magnitude to get it moving.” Law of Inertia “The human being is one of the most inertially…
Ed Romond loved mathematics. After high school, he got a BA in math, and started his career teaching high school math in Boston. While his wife was matriculating through a Psychiatric Nursing program, she planted…
Deceptions II From Classical Mythology: The Greeks, deceptively abandoning their siege of Troy, left a gigantic hollow wooden horse on the field of battle, along with Sinon, who persuaded the Trojans that the horse was…
[Is this a photo of a young debutante or an old woman?] Fifth graders were playing a game of “Flag”. During the course of the game, one of the ring leaders on one of the…
Natural Inclinations “Natural Inclinations” may have provided a survival advantage in paleolithic times (at least they didn’t appear to interfere with survival of the species [or, come to think of it, maybe they DID!]), but…
What if the main reason we become unhappy is that we have unrealistic expectations? While mowing the lawn last weekend, I became aware of a neighbor’s child crying – actually on the verge of a…
HARD TRUTH #18 (From the book “Hard Truths” – a pre-publication extraction) Myths Abound “The lessons in my life have come from failures, my own shortcomings, naiveté and buying into some of the biggest myths…
“It’s like brains get wired differently over time.” – Elizabeth Warren [Commenting on the evolving and often contradictory regulations for major financial institutions] In fact, life is nothing if it’s not about “getting wired differently over…
“It sounds somewhat ridiculous to say that one of the problems we face … is that we haven’t learned how to spend free time in a sensible way … whether America succeeds as a civilization will depend…
Life is hard. Most of us don’t realize either how insulated we are from life’s hardness or how fragile that insulation is. Consider the plight of a young, single black mother of three children…
People all over the world are risking their lives, sacrificing their lifetime savings, and going severely in debt to get half a shot at achieving the American Dream. Of course, you’re already there, and, for…
To begin this presentation, I’m going to show you two sides of a coin that will reliably predict your future. Fair warning: It’s not going to be pretty, but you’ll enter the next phase of your life a…
I hate to be the one to tell you this, but everything you need to know about life did NOT accrue to you in kindergarten. And you won’t get it all in high school. For…
[From Season of Life by Pulitzer Prize winning author Jeffrey Marx, Simon & Schuster, 2003] Gilman High School in Maryland has an unusual and highly successful football team. And its coaches have a few unusual rules…
Sitting at a stop light with my mind wa/ondering on and off about nothing and everything all at the same time, I became peripherally aware of a small, gray, animated “presence” moving along the sidewalk. …
Gratification is the intimate and ultimate driving force of first and last resort: We want and NEED to be happy! If love is what makes the world go around, happiness is the overarching sentiment…
The measure of a sports figure’s stature in his or her chosen sport is PLAYING TIME. The better you are, the more playing time you get. And it’s not just scoring that counts. Rebounds, defense, and…
[From Peter Thompson TGI Monday, May 4, 2015 (annotated)] The 1 in 20 rule wags its finger everywhere in life. [NOTE: The Pareto Principle states that 80% of effects come from 20% of causes; thus, 80%…
“Our emphasis is not on goals but on culture. Who we are; What we do; How we do it; How it reflects our core values; How it surprises – exceeds expectations.” David Kennedy CEO, University…
Like it or not, habits pretty much define us: What we “habitually” do is who we are. My Latin Professor in college used the term “wont” to describe what we are “accustomed” to doing: …
An earlier blog ( examined the fundamental elements that comprise character. These included, by various accounts, all of the following: Optimism Wisdom Courage/Bravery Humanity Persistence Justice …
Either PAY or GET PAID. It’s that simple! How much are we paying (i.e., investing versus wasting) for the privileges we enjoy and how much are we getting paid for the services we…
I’ve come to hold the view that life is about piling up dots … piling up building blocks, including connectable anchoring and reference points … that can, over time, be connected, rearranged as necessary, and…
If you’ve made it past birth, early development, kindergarten, elementary school, middle school and high school with no major glitches and relatively unscathed by major medical maladies, you’re probably endowed with a fairly decent set…
You may be astonished, as I have been, to learn that the failure rate beyond high school and beyond college is much greater than it is in matriculation through those institutions. Endless studies point out…
“It’s all about choice.” Chip Gallent [A reference to the breadth of options now available through the internet.] But that’s pretty much life in a nutshell, isn’t it? Our goal – particularly in America…
I am astounded by the degree to which humans can be debilitated and still function – or appear to function. At age 62, my father was found to have severe cardiovascular disease with 90%…
What is it? And how do you DO it? Personal Growth is the nuts and bolts business of life. And it’s required! It’s the process of “Becoming” … fully human … fully US…
One of the great experiences of my youth was going to the Buhl Planetarium in Pittsburgh. Among many other things, I was fascinated by the bicycle in the main lobby they had rigged to generate…
What is your Battle Cry … your “Call to the Post” … your absolute imperative … your “Call to Action” … when important stuff needs to get done? What gets you off the dime and…
“ … he took to business as if it were war.” Cornelius Vanderbilt: Bare-Knuckled Capitalism The Economist (London, UK) Apr 16, 2009 In the unperturbed moment, it’s easy to lose focus … to take your…
Many metabolic, physiologic and endocrine abnormalities are “silent”; i.e., they show no warning signs before (“pre-“) one’s life or wellbeing are tangibly threatened (“clinical”). Great numbers of such “pre-clinical” conditions can be identified in formative…
“[The] random walk is a mathematical [representation] of a path that consists of a succession of random steps. For example, the path traced by a molecule as it travels in a liquid or a gas,…
The person in charge of things I’m not in charge of [which represents an entire alternative universe] dragged me to the local fitness center during the holidays to sign me up for an almost limitless…
What differentiates the “human being” from non-human beings? Reason enough to ask comes from both historical record and the daily account of man’s blatant inhuman behavior, reflecting an unchecked rush toward satisfaction of “animal appetites”.…
Perhaps I was doomed to be an “Odd Fellow” from the start. My father was a card-carrying member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. (Yes, it’s a real organization! But, quite apart from…
There is an increasing concern – at least an increasing discussion – about the fact that earth has finite dimensions and finite resources while its population – at this cusp of the 21st century –…
“It’s the most agile that run closest to the front on the most challenging obstacle course.” Craftmaster LIFE is one of the most challenging obstacle courses we will ever face – whether we have the…
Disruptive Motorvation is the process of purposely and proactively “breaking bonds” and “breaking rank” with convention and prevailing winds to create new realities of possibility and to achieve out-of- box results. This term borrows conceptually…
The stump of our former flowering crabapple tree needed to be removed, but I was … well, … a bit “stumped”! My DIY inclination was undeterred, but I was obviously in unfamiliar territory. How do…
Peter Thompson passes along this advice from Alex Garcez, who teaches speed-reading, on learning a new skill: “He says, ‘Make a promise to yourself that you’ll practise for at least one minute per day.’ This…
Despite escalating provocation, I really didn’t want to move the house numbers higher on the house to accommodate a bush that was growing higher than it needed to be. Really! However … when ignoring the…
After six hours of manual labor yesterday – spent thinning out a flowering crabapple tree in preparation for eventual removal, I was inclined to go purposely off-line today. For the record, the flowering crab has been severely…
In the “Bite Sizing” blog (, it was noted that putting air in bike tires (i.e., increasing the pressure) makes the biking experience so much easier/better. To the uninitiated, that may seem like “cheating”. And…
“I don’t need time. What I need is a deadline.” Duke Ellington “One forges one’s style on the terrible anvil of daily deadlines.” Emile Zola The truth is that most of us don’t function very…
Have you ever been presented a sandwich you couldn’t get between your teeth … and once you do manage to tear off a chunk, you can’t readily chew it until you mash it down to…
It’s only frightening when you think about it: Our DNA only takes us so far in the universe – with a primary emphasis on things like survival and perpetuation of the species – and gives…
Being “accountable” is the prime currency for “making it” in the universe at large as well as for “making it” in the personal universes we each inhabit. You may have money and you may have…
Everyone wants an “Edge” … wants to have “a Leg UP” … wants to Beat the Odds … In fact, we will go to any length – even lying, cheating and stealing when the chips…
It’s what “Makes Our Day” … the acquired, adopted or bestowed assertion that we’re OK … that we have value and are headed in a reasonably ”right” direction. It’s what we live for – a…
OK, let’s face it: Most of the things that make life more “manageable” range from boring to downright unpleasant: · Picking up after ourselves · Doing the laundry · Making the bed · Loading and…
First Principle of Manageability You can’t have it all and/or do it all – at least not all at once. We CAN – and DO, however, all hope for better and wish for more. And…
Who has not thought – at some point – about running away? · … from oppression … · … from boredom … · … from constraint … · … from inextricable calamity · … from…
U.S. Championships; Saturday recap (Nick Zaccardi Jun 28, 2014, 6:01 PM EDT) “In the women’s 400m final, Olympic champion Sanya Richards-Ross couldn’t run down Francena McCorory. McCorory, the World Indoor champion, ran a personal best…
“Pay me more and I’ll do more work!” [Overheard from a staff assistant] Point to Ponder [Soon following this remark, this SA was “passed over” for a key promotion.] “Financial incentives, or ‘pay-for-performance,’ have been…
As this entry is taking shape, I’m in great angst working on “Terms and Conditions” for web site registration and find the confounding, compounding detail required to be excruciating. However, templates from other notable sites…
Some things are certain. A lot is not. Much is only conjecture. And some things are true or practical only in certain circumstances. But, if what we suppose is useful, the supposition serves a sure-enough…
Dateline: May 29, 2014 In the wake of yet another mass shooting by an obviously deranged college student at UC, Santa Barbara, America struggles with how to deal with the identification, diagnosis and treatment of…
DUI, as in “Driving Under the Influence” of mind-altering substances, is illegal. But OUI – “Operating Under the Influence” – of myriad factors in our ever-expanding universe – is standard practice, some of it legal…
In the book Top Dog, Po Bronson & Ashley Merryman summarize a plethora of studies demonstrating the importance of having a reasonable, “fighting chance” of winning in order to function at peak performance levels. Being…
Remember the scarecrow in the “Wizard of Oz”? Here’s his theme song: “If I Only Had A Brain” “I could wile away the hours Conferrin’ with the flowers Consultin’ with the rain And my head…
“If I miss one day’s practice, I notice it. If I miss two days, the critics notice it. If I miss three days, the audience notices it.” Ignacy Paderewski, Pianist [NOTE: An absence of practice…
“None of you is special. You are not special. You are not exceptional.” David McCullough, teacher, addressing Wellesley High School graduates June 2012 This admonition comes as a sobering comeuppance for all of us raised…
I’m fascinated by superstar players in sports – how they almost seem to see things in slow motion despite the frenetic pace of a game and can seemingly adjust in mid-air. Some of that enhanced…
LIFE’S TOUGH The CHALLENGES are formidable, the RESPONSIBILITIES awesome, the EXPECTATIONS out-of-sight, and TIME is always too short for what we want and need to do. To protect ourselves from the vicissitudes of life, we…
The fundamental, nagging, gnawing question that keeps me up late at night is this: Why do we have so many “Defining Moments” / “Moments of Truth” in life? “It ain’t fair!” “Why ME?” “I never…
I’ve always had my share of “stage dread” … if not outright “stage fright”, sometimes with mind-numbing anxiety about being on stage, despite the fact that I’ve been on stage a lot, singing in two…